
Applications, utilites and info for text and word processing. Editors, viewers, note makers, text comparison, search and replace, dictionaries.
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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am

Post by Info-Mac » April 23rd, 1999, 9:00 am


FindText 1.3.6

FindText is a utility that can search the files on your harddisk for that
specific text you know is hiding somewhere. Simply type in the text, tell
it what folder(s) or disk(s) to search, and it will find all files
containing that text.

FindText it very useful as an adjunct to Sherlock under MacOS 8.5 which
only indexes the data fork of files. It is also one of the few tools that
can search the files of popular utilities (that put their data in the
resource fork) like eDOC, ScrapIt Pro and NotePad deluxe!
Although FindText is fast, it is not as fast as Apple's Sherlock but
Sherlock works only after a time and space consuming indexing of your
So, if you don't loose track of your files on an hourly basis, you will
prefer FindText.

FindText can search the data- and/or resource-fork of your files.

FindText needs System 7 or better and runs native both on the PowerMac,
iMac and the 68020/030/040 Macs. FindText is fully compatible with Mac OS 8.

Every user of FindText is advised to update to version 1.3.6.

FindText is shareware (USD 20). You can register via Kagi (creditcard,
cash, check, ...).

FindText Homepage :

Best regards,

Patrick Maes
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