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Newt Dev Env FAQ 3.2

Posted: January 2nd, 1996, 11:00 am
by Info-Mac

keywords: Newt, FAQ, NewtonScript, application development environment

This FAQ answers some "frequently asked questions" about Newt, a Newton
environment for developing applications in NewtonScript and saving as
packages directly on your Newton. Newt 3.2 is now NOS (Newton OS) 2.0
compatible. The FAQ recycles, updates and augments information that is found
with the current versions of the Newt package (newt-devenv-32.hqx/.sit; (see "Where do I find Newt?") and NewtATut book, an interactive
Newt Application Tutorial (see "What other Newt-related packages are

Note: If you have downloaded Newt 3.2, you do not need to download this
since you already have this text file (newt-faq.txt).

Steve Weyer
America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer
Compuserve: 74603,2051