My Mac #27

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My Mac #27

Post by Info-Mac » July 12th, 1997, 9:00 am


The twenty seventh (27) issue of My Mac Magazine is now ready for

This is a great issue, on we hope you will enjoy reading as much as we
had putting it all together.

What¹s in this issue?

Fact or fiction: was it Mike Tyson who took that bite out of the Apple¹s
Apple? (Okay, that is not in the issue, but it is something worth
thinking about...)

My Mac Magazine welcomes writer John Nemerovski, of Macsense ³Brave New
World² fame. John¹s new column, The Nemo Memo, as well as a bevy of book
reviews, will be a new regular feature here in My Mac.

The practice of evangelism is to promote something. Tim Robertson looks
at the practice of Macintosh evangelism, and points out a darker side of
it. Guy Kawasaki also responds.

DVD is coming to your Mac. What is it, and should you really care. Read
all about it in Brian Koponen¹s latest, DVD.

The alien Coldar is back. My Mac¹s own ³Men In Black ² Pete Miner brings
us up to date.

Made at Apple? Well, Ryan Grimes is, and we learn why in ³The Reader
View², a page set aside for you the reader every month.

What happens when you start taking to your Mac? What if it talked back?
And what if it happened to Pete Miner? Well, you would have ³The Entity
Within², this months Miner Thoughts!

Getting ready to start surfing the net? Check out Mike Wallinga¹s
favorite places to visit. A helpful Wall Writings!

Also, The Senior Macintosh Center, Tech Tips, Bit¹s & Pieces, Starting
Line, and more.

Tim Robertson
Publisher, My Mac Magazine
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