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Hello there :)

Posted: October 15th, 2011, 11:38 pm
by Derry90
Hey. My names Derry. I'm new here but I joined because I wanna connect with other Apple product users and see what the community is like because I love Apple products :)

Re: Hello there :)

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 2:57 am
by davidchristmass
Good to speak to you Derry it sure ain't as happy as it was two months ago! I think the word we look for is shocked! But ain't Mac just great? I been using a Mac for quite a good while, personally nearly 20 years. And in work since 1988, I put loads of them in top end Broadcasting arenas. I tell you people ain't seen nothing with X until they know what occured before it> You seen 3D TV yet, just imagine that on your ipad, 3D diagnostics, for the docs. Sure Jobs, Woz, and Apple are the best, and you know what, the first time I saw a 3D image on a computer was on a Mac. Ok so the UK, and Quantel and Sky pipped Apple to the post with a better Codec, but you know, they were there, with the inspiration, having a go. You wait till that baby kicks off in the US you though the IOS queues were bad! But not online, there ain't gonna be online streaming, not for Apple, nor no one, its a fools move, the system can't cope with the world demand on bandwidth. In the future, your ipod all multi media things will be online, only as chips, its a copy right thing which has driven the company nuts, with fighting, the piracy, but Apple are with it, you'll order online and chip will arrive in the post, or your will buy albums down the high street store like records, but on chips, that just plug in. No loss of data, no skipping no robbing just a fair ole deal for all.

Re: Hello there :)

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 12:35 pm
by Derry90
The MAC is an excellent computer. I first had experience with a Mac in my high school and I absolutely loved it's ease of use and beautiful user interface. Sadly I don't own a Mac yet due to the price but I do have an iPhone 4 and I gotta say I'm really enjoying the full safari web browser. I definetly do intend to get a Mac but im not sure what model. It is great to meet you and I'm a huge lover of Apple devices so I will probably be on here alot :)

Re: Hello there :)

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 10:27 am
by chanticleer
I just switched to an iMac after 25 years with PCs. I love the way it synchs with my iPhone. I also like the intuitive interface and the graphics of OS X Lion. I paid a little more but it was worth it.

Re: Hello there :)

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 12:31 pm
by davidchristmass
Sure and god help the poor people that can't get their head around binary when they come to discover, or have to cope with functions in other number bases, like, 3, 4 or 5, some thing exists called analogue computers, that use trinary, quartery and quinary!