RPN Calculator 1.94 for Mac OS X

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RPN Calculator 1.94 for Mac OS X

Post by Info-Mac » February 19th, 2004, 11:00 am

Download: http://archive.info-mac.org/sci/calc/rp ... sx-194.hqx

RPN Calculator for Mac OS X is a Carbon implementation of Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN). It is stable and has been tested by hundreds of users for
over two years. The calculator features a straightforward, "no frills"
interface that expands as needed via floating tool palettes. This
particular app is one of the very few Mac OS calculators that can handle
complex arithmetic with no extra work on the user's part. Specific features

* Complex number support in most every scientific function, where it makes
* Wide dynamic range via Victor Shoup's NTL (http://www.shoup.net).
* Wide selection of scientific functions, including "special" functions.
* Systems of equations up to 5 unknowns.
* Stats palette.
* Unit conversion palette.
* Unusual functions, such as rational approximation, factoring, prime
factorization and prime searches.
* Programmable function palette.
* Can log an entire session.
* Unique implementation of stack operations, including drag-swaps and
drag-drop into unary function buttons for in-place calculation.

Check out the home page at http://www.rpncalculator.com.
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