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DEVONnote 1.0b

Posted: April 21st, 2004, 9:00 am
by Info-Mac

Short description:
Easy-to-use, intelligent note pad, bookmark manager and webcam browser

Long description:
DEVONnote is a note pad capable of intelligently storing and organising
plain or rich texts and file aliases. Store your bookmarks in DEVONnote
too, browse the Web using the integrated browser based on Apples's
WebKit, capture interesting notes immediately, organise webcams or
create cross and Wiki-style links.

Key features:

- Stores plain and rich texts, text clippings, iChat log files and
- Supports dynamic Wiki-style links and static cross links
- Easy-to-use interface
- Integrated browser based on Apple's WebKit (ÈSafari EngineÇ)
- Helps you to sort in new stuff (ÈClassifyÇ, ÈSee AlsoÇ)
- Advanced text editing including rulers, highlighting and realtime
word count
- Lightning-fast, intelligent search function
- Supports services (like CalcService, WordService or BlueService)
- Provides multiple services and a Dock menu
- Supports drag 'n drop in both directions

What's unique:

- Im- and exports Finder comments
- Imports MS Word documents using Panther or AntiWordService
- Stores aliases to local files
- Captures contents from the built-in browser and organises webcams
- Groups or ungroups contents, organises them in hierarchies
- Batch im- and exports data extremely fast
- Works flawlessly with huge databases (>100 MB)
- Does not need indexing but searches the data faster than the
- Uses all major features of the operating system


NEW Discounts for students available
NEW Default toolbar item to choose the browser view

Improved Search popup menu and field of browser toolbar combined
Improved Faster verification before flushing contents back to disk (up
to two times faster)
Improved Faster toolbar search
Improved "Destroy" command renamed to "Delete All Instances"
Improved Shortcut of "Launch" command changed to Command-O
Improved Stability of kernel and user interface

Fixed Import of plain text clipping files (.textClipping extension or
'clpt' HFS type) didn't recognize unicode text. In addition, the
default plain text encoding (see preferences) is used for all other
plain text clippings.
Fixed Preview of linked plain text documents sometimes used the rich
instead of the plain text font
Fixed Number of words displayed in the info panel was sometimes not
identical to the one displayed in windows
Fixed Changing the "Check spelling as you type" preference wasn't
applied to already opened browser windows
Fixed After toggling between note pad/outliner views, "See
Also"/"Classify" did not work if there was a document selected
Fixed Sorting by kind was not always updated after modifying the
path/URL of an item
Fixed The relevance of search results was sometimes not correct if
"Phrase"/"Wildcards" and "Content" options were active
Fixed Ungrouped groups were not removed from search/classify results
Fixed Rebuilding was not possible if the verification found some
errors. Now it's possible to continue or cancel.
Fixed It was possible to add a useless "Classify" command to the toolbar
Fixed "Append To Rich Note" service did not work
Fixed Crash after dragging unsupported files to icon view
Fixed Crash after deleting the last search result

Commercial/Trial (US $20, Special introductory price US $15 until


System Requirements:
Mac OS X 10.2.x and Safari 1.x or Mac OS X 10.3.x


Product Page: ... onnote.php ... note_1.jpg

Download: 2.4 MB, 2469 KB, 2528536 bytes ... ote.dmg.gz