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Haxial TextEdit 1.41

Posted: February 6th, 2003, 11:00 am
by Info-Mac
Download: ... it-141.hqx

Haxial TextEdit is a simple, fast and free text editor that edits plain
text files. It can edit text files in Mac, DOS/Windows, and Unix formats.
It also includes a Find/Replace function, and a menu for quick access to
your favorite documents.

* The program loads very quickly.
* Fast scrolling of very large files.
* Appearance of the user interface is highly customizable. Supports
"skins" / "schemes".
* Supports both soft and hard wrapping of text.
* Find and Replace features.
* Edit text files in Mac, DOS/Windows, and Unix formats.
* Can count the number of occurrences of a piece of text in a file.
* Can alphabetically sort lines of text.
* "Favorites" menu allows quick access to your favorite documents.
* Rename a document from within TextEdit.

Haxial TextEdit is available for:
MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+, 1.6 preferred).
MacOS X (10).
Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:

And the company website is: