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DragThing 5.1.1

Posted: May 3rd, 2004, 9:00 am
by Info-Mac

DragThing is the original dock designed to tidy up your Macintosh desktop.
It makes files, folders, applications, disks, URLs, and even windows,
quickly and easily accessible, while taking up as little space on your
screen as possible.

DragThing's docks are highly configurable and you can have multiple docks,
each customised to suit your needs.

DragThing also allows you to define a huge variety of hot keys. These hot
keys can open items in docks, control various other aspects of DragThing and
even control the visibility of and switching between other applications
running on your Mac.

DragThing can also provide you with a Trash on your desktop, play sounds in
response to actions like ejecting a CD, and a lot more besides.

5.1.1 works round a reported problem with the recent McAfee Virex 7.5 beta
which could cause DragThing not to quit properly on shutdown, restart
or logout. It also adds new features including enhanced contextual menus and
AppleScript support, greatly improves saving and loading of docks and other
files, and is a lot faster to start up than 5.1.

A full list of all the changes can be found here:

DragThing 5.1.1 is a free upgrade for registered users of DragThing 5,
$12 for registered users of older versions, and $29 to register for new
users. It requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later. This download includes
English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Dutch, and Traditional Chinese
language support.

For more information, check out the official DragThing website at:
