Find Home Folder 1.0 - CM plugin

Goodies to adjust the look and feel of your system. Color control, menu & scroll bar & button details, window control, keyboard shortcuts, icon/ppat/curs tools, clipboard extension, app launchers, macro makers, ballon help managers, Finder customization. User interface info.
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Find Home Folder 1.0 - CM plugin

Post by Info-Mac » January 9th, 1998, 11:00 am


Have you ever wondered where the items lying around on your desktop have
come from - or where they will go if you choose "Put Away" from the "File"

This Contextual Menu plugin comes to your rescue! Context-click the desktop
item you're interested in and choose "Find Home Folder". Then, if the
selected item was not created on the desktop, but dragged there from
another folder, that folder will be opened.

Michael Schuerig
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